Welcome to the Scottish District Families Association

The Scottish District Families Association is an organization created for anyone interested in learning more about Scotland and promoting their Scottish heritage.

Did you know, it is estimated that 70% of all Scottish family names are not associated with Clans, but instead are considered district family names? For those individuals with Scottish heritage but no connection to a family clan, identifying the district your ancestors were connected to is a recognized way to celebrate your heritage and there are presently more than 50 recognized districts in Scotland, each with its own tartan!

Why join the SDFA?

Membership in the SDFA centers around three pillars.

Genealogy and research.

Family history research is critical to helping you and others connect with your heritage.

Festivals, Events, and Outreach

Whether attending highland games or participating in your local Robert Burns dinner, engaging with the community is a central part of life in the SDFA.

Promoting Scottish Heritage

The SDFA and its members seek to champion Scottish heritage in all aspects of their lives.

Ancestral Pride & Genealogy

With the growth in genealogical research paralleling the increase in popularity of Scottish Festivals and Highland Games, the interests of many Americans to learn more about their Scottish Heritage has grown.

Many assume that since they have Scottish ancestry, their family surnames must be connected to the names of the great Clans of Scotland. Generations upon generations of marriages among the settlers of the New World and the Americas have produced many American and Canadian descendants with a variety of possible Clan affiliations by surname. Unfortunately, there are also many people of Scottish descent who wish to trace their most recent surname’s history, only to be frustrated by a lack of information. A study of Scotland shows that approximately seventy percent of all the families of Scotland and their descendants were not affiliated with, or members of, the ancient Highland Clans.

If you are seeking help in finding and researching your Scottish heritage or family genealogy, please join the SDFA.

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