Heat. Rain. Mud. Cloudy.
These four weather events seem to be dominating our news throughout these United States. Their impact can be felt everywhere. However, reports from our various conveners, the many Highland Games SDFA has convened, crowds have been large interested in their Scottish ancestry. New members are signing up and and we could not be happier.
Our many conveners are doing a fantastic job. They are going above and beyond in their quest to assist new members and people who are only slightly interested. As any convener will tell you, the majority of people we meet at our tents, at the games, are happy just to find out their surname can be associated with a clan or a district. However, many people want to know even more. If a person’s surname is associated with a clan, they are provided with that information. If that clan is at that game, we at the SDFA tent will direct these people to “their” clan tent. Many clans and associations will also look up names and many will send SDFA those people who seem interested in learning more about “their” new district information. We thank these clans. Because of all this, SDFA is experiencing phenomenal growth. Welcome to everyone who has recently joined.
I want to tell you a little bit of what is going on within SDFA and our Executive Committee. Many discussions are being had regarding the improvement in member service. Discussions center on adding to and improving our members experience related to genealogy, education, media relations and other areas. SDFA is currently in discussions with COSCA (Council of Scottish Clans and Associations) on how we may possibly partner to enhance both those with clan affiliations and those who have distinct affiliations. Both SDFA and COSCA are 501 c3 Charitable Organizations and our missions are quite similar. We, SDFA and COSCA will continue having discussions to try to determine if the cooperation between our two organizations can benefit both of us and the Scottish diaspora here in the USA.
Your Executive Committee is also working on strengthening our infrastructure. Adding to and building upon our current conveners, regional representatives and committee members. In this way, you as a member of SDFA receive as many benefits as SDFA can provide. YOU can join any of these committees. One of the ways we want to improve is to strengthen our conveners by establishing a Conveners Committee. This committee, will have three co-chairs- our regional representatives and Lew Bowlby, a long time convener. I am hoping that this committee working with your Executive Committee will be able to prepare a Convener Handbook which would be a valuable resource for current and potential conveners. Also, this committee would be tasked to be personal informational centers for you! Another committee under consideration is a District Committee. This committee would be tasked to prepare info for the various districts. Perhaps, informational packets.
Also, we can use your expertise. We would like you to become a convener, or help on the Genealogy committee, or media Committee. We would like YOU, if you have this expertise, to assist with our webpage, facebook, or newsletter. Please call me. I would love to talk to you.
See you at the games!